Sec. 63. That is shall be the duty of the Quarter Master of each Regiment to apply for, and recieve all arms from the Quarter Master of their respective Cohorts or Brigades, that are or may become due their respective Companies; and to give bonds for the same, to the Quarter <Master> of their respective Cohorts of Brigades and to do and perform all other duties that in any wise apprtain to his office.
Sec. 64. That it shall be the duty of the Paymaster of each Regiment before entering upon the duties of his office to give bonds to the Paymaster General of the , to the amount two hundred dollars, with approved security, for the the performance of his duty, also to recieve all monies, collected in their respective Regiments, from the person authorized to collect fines, and give his receipt for the same, and pay over the same to the Paymaster General of the Legion, together with a list of <the> fines not collected within ten days after the reciept thereof and take his reciept for the same, and do and perform all such other duties as may <in any> wise appertain to his office.
Sec. 65. That is shall be the duty of the Sergeant Major to assist the Adjutant in forming the Regiment, at all parades, also to assist him in delivering all orders to the Regiment, and do perform such other duties as he may be required by his superior officer, or that may belong to the station of Sergeant Major
Sec. 66. That all officers belonging to the general or Regimental staff, whose duties are not defined particularly by this act, shall attend all musters held by their respective commanding officers, obey all orders from them, or any Superior officer and do and perform such other duties as may [p. 64]