in any wise appertain or belong to their respective stations.
Sec. 67 That all commissioned staff officers shall be tried agreeably to the provisions of this act, by a Court Martial detailed by their respective superior officers as in other cases.
Sec. 68. That there be three hundred copies of this law printed, under the directions of the Major General and deposited in the hands of the Paymaster General to be sold by the direction of the Major and Lieutenant Generals.
Sec. 69. That all laws and parts of laws heretofore passed, and not embraced in this act, are hereby repealed.
Sec. 70 This act to be in force from and after its passage
Resolved That Major be and is hereby appointed to prepare the “Revized Laws of the ” for the press.
Resolved That the Resolution apointing Collector for the Legion passed May the 20th and also the Resolutions to build an Arsnal, and apointing Col Agent to Superintend the building the Arsnal, the one authorizing the Collector of fines to take property &c for fines, and also the one organizing the Fifth Regiment 2nd Cohort <passed June 12th> are not repealed by the passage of the “Revized Laws”
Resolved That the Committee of Revision be paid for their services out of the first money in the treasurey.
Resolved That the Committee of Revision be continued and that they be authorized to add to the “Revized laws” as they may deem proper untill the printing of the same
Resolved That this Court Martial adjourn untill the next regular law day by the provisions of the “Revized Law” the third Saturday in October (the 21st) next at ten o clock A. M.