not surrendered the letter of resignation shall be preserved by the officer recieving it, and it shall be the duty of all officers authorised to accept resignations as aforesaid, to order elections to fill such vacancies within twenty days as may occur by resignation or otherwise giving at least all times sufficient notice of such election and except in case of emergency, the order for an election of a Major or Brigadier General shall be given, at least twenty days previous; stating the time and place of holding such election; for the election of any field or company officer, the order for the same shall be given at least ten days previous stating the time and place of holding such elections. It shall be the duty of all officers ordering elections as aforesaid, to attend the same place of holding such elections and organize the board.
Sec 11. That all returns of elections so held shall be made to the officer ordering the same, who shall make returns thereof, within thirty days there after, to the Adjutant General of the , the names of all officers who may have thus been duly elected.
Sec. 12. That it may be lawful for any field or company officer to be elected, without previous notice, when ever the Regiment, Battalion, or Company, as the case may be, have been called out to do military duty according to law. Provided returns be made as aforesaid
Sec 13. That it shall be the duty of all officers authorized to appoint staff officers, by virtue of this act, to accept their resignations as above, and fill all vacancies in their own staff by appointment and make returns thereof to the proper officer as in case of election [p. 43]