Sec. 14. That the manner of voting shall be by the elector addressing the judges of election in his own proper person, and with an audible voice, to be heard by the judges and clerk, name the person he votes for, and the clerk shall enter the name of the person voting, and his vote accordingly in a poll book to be provided for that purpose; which poll book shall be, as near as may be, in the following form, to wit:
A poll book of an election held at [blank], in the County of , in the [blank], of the of militia, on the [blank] day of [blank] 18[blank]
Names of voters
Candidates for &c.
A. B.
C. D.
E. F.
G. H.
I. J.
K. L.
M. N. &c.
When all the votes shall be given they shall be examined and counted, the judges shall cause the clerk to make out a return thereof, as near as may be, in the following form, to wit:
At an election held at [blank] in the County of , in the [blank], of the Nauvoo Legion of the militia, on the [blank] day of [blank] 18[blank], the following named persons persons received the number of votes annexed to their names, for the following described offices, to wit:
O. P. had [blank] votes for &c.
Q. R. had [blank] votes for &c. (and in like manner all other offices.) [p. 44]