<— and were appo[in]ted a committee to draft an— ordanine [ordinance]—>
Mayor Suggested that council pass an ordinanc[e] to prevent misrepresentation of & Libellous publicati[o]n, and wanted a law passed to pevet [prevent] all. conspiracy against the peace of the .—
ordinc read <Mayor said he had never made any proposals to to come Back— — p[r]oposed to come back come to his house and wanted a private intervi[e]w I <Mayor> told him I <he> wou[l]d have no private inte[r]view— had some convesatin [conversation] with . in the hall. in presenc[e] of several.>
Mayor related to Council Conve[r]sation with . and read a letter f[r]om .— <dated> June 7[th] and when he left my house he went to a shew [shoe] shop on the hill— and said that Joseph said if he would come back he would give him s place in the church & a hart [hat] full of specie.— and then read wrote the Letter Just read
. sworn— stated that the conversation as stated by the mayor was correct.— was prsnt May 7[th] A M 10 At . rode up enqurd [enquired] if Gen Smith was at home. told him he beleved he was. went in to the house. went in. was there. the general & othrs looking at some speciman of penmanship. Somthng was said resp[e]cting a convesatin at th[a]t time. between the Gen & Gen Smith observed to . if he had a conve[r]sation he would want others present. said he would have a word with him by himself— and went into the Hall. went to the door. that he might see and hear. what was passing— they still continu[e]d to talk on the subj[e]ct of a conve[r]sation that they might have. afterwa[r]d with others present. that Mr Smith might choose. and those that might choose. left. and went for those that he said he wanted present. and would return soon with them.— Thinks he hea[r]d all the convesatin.— hea[r]d nothing about Gen Smith making any offers to to settle— was pr[e]sent all the time.— < came to t[a]lk with himMe— and reported was>
Mayor said he wanted it distin[ct]ly undestood that he knew nothing about s going to see — [p. 17]