“Schedule of Church Records. Nauvoo 1846,” [1], Historian’s Office, Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904, CHL.
Historian’s Office. Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904. CHL. CR 100 130.
“Inventory. Historian’s Office. 4th April 1855,” [1]; “Historian’s Office Catalogue Book March 1858,” [13]; “Contents of the Historian and Recorder’s Office. G. S. L. City July 1858,” 8; “Index of Records and Journals in Historian’s Office 1878,” [7], Historian’s Office, Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904, CHL.
Historian’s Office. Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904. CHL. CR 100 130.
See the full bibliographic entry for Nauvoo Temple, Baptisms for the Dead, 1840–1845, in the CHL catalog.
Revelation, 9 Feb. 1831 [D&C 42:30–36].
Ripley was appointed as the bishop in Iowa Territory in October 1839. (Minutes and Discourses, 5–7 Oct. 1839.)
Iowa Stake Record, 6 Dec. 1839, 9–10.
Iowa Stake, Record. / Iowa Stake. “Church Record,” 1840–1841. CHL. LR 7817 21.
John Smith, Journal, 1836–1840, 14 Dec. 1839, [48].
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
John Smith, Journal, 1836–1840, 15 Dec. 1839, [49].
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
Iowa Stake Record, 4 Jan. 1840, 15–16; John Smith, Journal, 1836–1840, 7 Jan. 1840, [54]–[55].
Iowa Stake, Record. / Iowa Stake. “Church Record,” 1840–1841. CHL. LR 7817 21.
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
John Smith, Journal, 1836–1840, 29 Feb. 1840, [58].
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
John Smith, Journal, 1836–1840, 6 Mar. 1840, [60].
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
Acting on behalf of the church in May and June 1839, Knight and Oliver Granger purchased nearly eighteen thousand acres from Galland in what was known as the Half-Breed Tract. At a 6 December 1839 high council meeting, Knight wondered whether the lands that he held in Lee County should be transferred to Alanson Ripley, the bishop in Iowa. The following day, the high council accepted Knight’s proposal to transfer the lands. By 21 February 1840, however, no transfer had occurred, leading the high council to request that Knight attend the next meeting and explain why he still held the lands. The council also wanted Knight to explain an ambiguous statement he had made about ownership of the Half-Breed Tract. (Lee Co., IA, Land Records, 1836–1961, Deeds [South, Keokuk], vol. 1, pp. 507–509, microfilm 959,238; vol. 2, pp. 3–6, 13–16, microfilm 959,239, U.S. and Canada Record Collection, FHL; Iowa Stake Record, 6–7 Dec. 1839 and 21 Feb. 1840, 9–10, 13, 86–88.)
U.S. and Canada Record Collection. FHL.
Iowa Stake, Record. / Iowa Stake. “Church Record,” 1840–1841. CHL. LR 7817 21.
That is, the Saints’ memorial to Congress seeking redress for the church’s expulsion from and losses of property in Missouri. (Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, ca. 30 Oct. 1839–27 Jan. 1840.)
When JS left Washington DC for the Commerce area, the church’s memorial was still being considered by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. On 26 February 1840, Elias Higbee wrote a letter to JS stating the committee had decided that the Saints needed to seek redress in Missouri, not from Congress. JS had evidently not yet received Higbee’s letter. (Letter from Elias Higbee, 26 Feb. 1840.)
On 7 December 1839, JS and Higbee instructed the Nauvoo high council to send to them affidavits “specifying the particulars” of the actions of non-Mormons against Mormons in 1838 and 1839. (Letter to Seymour Brunson and Nauvoo High Council, 7 Dec. 1839.)
Smoot was designated as a member of the Iowa high council at the October 1839 general conference of the church. (Minutes and Discourses, 5–7 Oct. 1839.)