Mortgage to Mead, Stafford & Co., 11 July 1837, as Recorded in Geauga County Deeds
Source Note
JS, , , , , and , Mortgage for property in , Geauga Co., OH, to Zalmon H. Mead, Robert Mead, and Jonas Stafford of Mead, Stafford & Co., 11 July 1837. Version copied 20 July 1837 in Geauga Co., OH, Deed Record, vol. 24, pp. 213–214; handwriting of ; Geauga County Archives and Records Center, Chardon, OH. Includes seals.
Joseph Smith Jun (and Others) To Mead Stafford & Co. (assignment)
Know all men by these presents that we Joseph Smith junior, , , ; , and , of County of Geauga and State of Ohio, in consideration of the sum of four thousand five hundred dollars received to our full satisfaction of Zalmon H. Mead Jonas Stafford and Robert W Mead Merchants of the City of trading under the name and firm of Mead Stafford & Co do hereby bargain, sell, assign and transfer to the said Zalmon H. Mead, Jonas Stafford and Robert W Mead Merchants of the City of trading under the name and firm of Mead Stafford & Co as aforesaid; their heirs and assigns, all the right title and interest which we, or either or any of us have in and to the Stone Temple Situate in aforesaid, called also the “” and in and to the land on which the same is situate including and hereby expressly selling and conveying to the said Zalmon H. Mead Jonas Stafford and Robert W Mead, their heirs and assigns all the right, title and interest which we or either of us have in and to any and all furniture used in and about said , and in and to all ancient curiosities, writings paintings & Sculpture therein contained and kept, and including also and hereby expressly selling and conveying to Said Zalmon H. Mead, Jonas Stafford and Robert W. Mead any and all the debts in any manner due and Oweing to us or <either or> any of us for services rendered, materials furnished, or advances of Money or Other property made for the building & furnishing of said , and particularly a debt of about sixteen Thousand dollars due said . and for advances made towards the building & furnishing of said house—: To have and to hold all the premises aforesaid to the said Zalmon H. Mead, Jonas Stafford and Robert W Mead their heirs or assigns forever to their own proper use and behoof forever.— The Condition of the above instrument is Such that Whereas we the said Joseph Smith junior, , , , and have this day executed and delivered to the Said Zalmon H. Mead, Jonas Stafford and Robert W. Mead our three joint & Several promissory Notes all duly executed by us and all bearing even date herewith and all payable to said Zalmon H. Mead, Jonas Stafford and Robert W. Mead (by the name and description of their said firm of Mead Stafford & Co.) or Order, One for the sum of thirteen hundred and Seventy seven dollars and One cent due on the Eighth day of July A. D. 1838— One for the Sum of fourteen hundred and Sixty four dollars and fifty four cents due on the Eighth day of July A. D. 1839, and one Other for the sum of fifteen hundred and fifty two dollars and twenty two cents due on the Eighth day of July A. D. 1840— Now if the said Joseph Smith Junior, , , and or either of us shall well and truly pay the aforesaid Notes, according to the tenor and effect thereof, at the time the same become due to the Said Zalmon H Mead, Jonas Stafford and Robert W. Mead their heirs exceutors administrators or assigns, then the above Sale and assignment to be void otherwise [p. 213]