“An Act to Repeal the Nauvoo Charter,” 14th General Assembly, 1844–1845, Senate Bill no. 35 (House Bill no. 42), Illinois General Assembly, Enrolled Acts of the General Assembly, 1818–2012, Illinois State Archives, Springfield.
Illinois General Assembly. Enrolled Acts of the General Assembly, 1818–2012. Illinois State Archives, Springfield.
“Schedule of Church Records. Nauvoo 1846,” [1], Historian’s Office, Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904, CHL.
Historian’s Office. Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904. CHL. CR 100 130.
“Inventory. Historian’s Office. 4th April 1855,” [1]–[2]; “Index of Records and Journals in the Historian’s Office 1878,” [11]; “Index to Papers in the Historians Office,” ca. 1904, 7, Historian’s Office, Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904, CHL.
Historian’s Office. Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904. CHL. CR 100 130.
See the full bibliographic entry for JS Collection, 1827–1844, in the CHL catalog.
Wilson Law to Charles C. Rich, Order, Nauvoo, IL, 9 Dec. 1843, Charles C. Rich, Collection, CHL; Letter from Wilson Law, 9 Dec. 1843. Only Law’s order to Rich is extant, but other documents indicate that Law issued a similar order to Markham.
Nauvoo Legion Arsenal Account Book, 1844–1849. Charles C. Rich, Collection, 1832–1908. CHL.
JS handwriting begins.
Wilson Law requested that JS provide “what ever amount you may think proper on the present occasion.” (Letter from Wilson Law, 9 Dec. 1843.)
JS handwriting ends; Wilson Law begins.
Although Wilson Law originally served as the brigadier general of the first cohort, he was elected to replace John C. Bennett as major general in 1842. The first cohort elected George Miller to replace Law, but Miller left Nauvoo shortly after his election to take control of the church’s lumber mills in Wisconsin Territory. Miller apparently never actively took command of the cohort, and Markham, as the colonel of the first regiment, became the de facto leader. (Stout, “History of the Nauvoo Legion,” [3]; George Miller, St. James, MI, to “Dear Brother,” 26 June 1855, in Northern Islander, 16 Aug. 1855, [4]; Mills, “De Tal Palo Tal Astilla,” 95.)
Stout, Hosea. History of the Nauvoo Legion, Draft 1, ca. 1844–1845. Nauvoo Legion Records, 1841–1845. CHL. MS 3430, fd. 10. One of three drafts of the history; includes material dated 4 February 1841 through 22 June 1844. Pages are out of order; in the current order, this draft includes pp. [5]–[8], [15]–[22].
Northern Islander. St. James, MI. 1850–1856.
Mills, H. W. “De Tal Palo Tal Astilla.” Annual Publications Historical Society of Southern California 10 (1917): 86–174.
TEXT: Possibly “ang”.