Receipt, Hugh White to Alanson Ripley, 29 October 1839
Source Note
Fanny Emeline White and on behalf of , Receipt, [, Hancock Co., IL], to JS and on behalf of , 29 Oct. 1839; unidentified handwriting; signature presumably of Fanny Emeline White; signature of ; one page; JS Collection (Supplement), CHL.
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Receiv,d of by Joseph Smith Junr. and his agents fifteen hundred doll[a]rs it being a payment on a contract between and wherein became bound for the aforesaid payment to by note to be paid six months after date which note was given and dated the 30th. day of April 1839 which note is now paid the payment being receiv,d this 29th. day of October AD 1839 for by his authorized agents to receive the same