Revelation, 8 July 1838–E, James Mulholland Copy [D&C 117]
Source Note
Revelation, , Caldwell Co., MO, 8 July 1838. Version copied [between 8 July 1838 and 30 Oct. 1839]; handwriting of ; endorsement and docket in handwriting of ; three pages; Revelations Collection, CHL.
Verily thus saith the Lord unto my Servants and , Let them settle up their business speedily and journey from the land of before I the Lord sendeth snow again upon the ground. Let them awake and arise, and come forth and not tarry for I the Lord commandeth it— therefore if they tarry it shall not be well with them.— Let them repent of all their sins and all their covetous desires before me saith the Lord: For what is property unto me saith the Lord. Let the properties at be turned out for debts saith the Lord, Let them go saith the Lord, And whatsoever remaineth, let it remain in your hands saith the Lord, for have I not the Fowls of Heaven, and also the fish of the Sea, And the beasts of the mountains? Have I not made the earth? Do I not hold the destinies of all the armies of the nations of the earth? therefore will I not make the solitary places to bud and to blossom, And to bring forth in abundance saith the Lord? Is there not room enough upon the mountains of , or upon the plains of , or the land where Adam dwelt, that you should not [p. [1]]