Times and Seasons (, Hancock Co., IL), 15 Feb. 1842, vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 687–702. For more complete source information, see the source note for Letter to Isaac Galland, 22 Mar. 1839.
Historical Introduction
Though this issue was the beginning of JS’s editorship of the Times and Seasons, he did not actually begin direct supervision of the newspaper until the following issue. See Historical Introduction to Times and Seasons, 1 Mar. 1842; and “To Subscribers” in the 1 Mar. 1842 issue.
and solicited more preaching. I also visited Salsbury, a place about 7 miles from the Little Falls, and preached twice, the people wished me to visit them again if possible. I have also visited, and preached in the towns of Litchfield, Kirkland, Madison, New Hartford, and many others. The calls for preaching in every direction, are so numerous and pressing, that I am not able to fill the tenth part of them, but I have some help at present. Elders and —— Potter are laboring in Salsbury, and region about; and Elder C. Marsh, from Cayuga co. N. Y., is with me in this region, and the young priests of the Utica branch of the church, are some of them beginning to magnify their calling, a young man, (the only son of a lady in this city, who with her whole household, consisting of seven members of the family have embraced the New and Everlasting Covenant,) and the young man has been ordained a priest, and is preaching more or less every week, in my absence, besides teaching a high school in this city; he is a grest help to me (or in other words) to the cause in this place I assure you. We have taken the City Hall, in this place, for one year where we shall continue to meet for public worship every Sunday at the usual times of worship, and also at 7 o’clock in the evening of every Thursday, we have a council meeting once a week, generally, and a prayer meeting once a week also.
The saints here are in perfect unity, and are enjoying the gifts of the spirit of the Lord, such as, the gift of tongues, and the interpretation, and visions and also, the gift of faith, to be healed, and the gift of healing, and also, the gift of fervent charity, one for another; in short dear brother, we have a little heaven already begun in this city, and my soul feels to magnify the Lord while I write, and no tongue can describe the feelings of my heart; yea the gratitude of my heart to my Heavenly Father, for his blessings upon my labors.
There are many in this city now on the eve of obedience. The church where my family resides, (near the village of Rome,) is also in good fellowship and standing, and there has been one baptized in that branch of late, and more are believing.
The church at Hamilton Madison co. are in a good situation also, and the branch at Edmiston Otsego co. are in a good situation likewise, and the Boonville branch Oneida co. have had a number added to it of late and they are in a prosperous condition. There are several other branches which I have not heard from of late, but as far as I am acquainted with the situation of the churches, and of the work of the Lord in this region of country, the prospects are flattering. We wish the saints in that place, and in all other places, all the good things that the nature of their situations demand, and of our well beloved brother, Joseph Smith, we wish concerning him and will pray, that he may be preserved a prophet and seer, and revelator, unto the church of God for many years to come. We know him to be a true prophet of the most High, and as such he has the fellowship of this church of Latter-Day Saints at Utica. We desire an interest in the prayers of the saints in that place. Yours in the bonds and unity of the New Covenant.
The Conference met at the court-house in the village of Batavia, in the county of Gennessee, aggreeable to previous appointment, on Saturday the 25th day of December, A. D. 1841. at 10 o’clock, A. M., and proceeded to business. Elder Charles Thompson was chosen president and John L. Bartholf clerk in said conference.
Voted, that brother Coltrin, brother , and Ralph L. Young, take a seat with us in conference.
Voted, that a committee be appointed to examine candidates for ordination.
Elder , elder McWithee [Joel McWithey], and elder Hiram Thompson, were appointed that committee.
Voted, that a committee for the trial of appeals be appointed. Elder , Elder Joel McWithee, and elder Hiram Thompson, , P. H. Winegar, Ralph L. Young, Josiah Tyler, elders, were appointed that committee.
Conference opened by prayer, by elder .
The branch in Batavia, Alexander, Elbee, and Bethany, were represented by John L. Bartholf, numbering 3 elders, 2 priests, 2 teachers, and 1 deacon, in all 41 members, in good standing.