Times and Seasons (, Hancock Co., IL), 15 Feb. 1842, vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 687–702. For more complete source information, see the source note for Letter to Isaac Galland, 22 Mar. 1839.
Historical Introduction
Though this issue was the beginning of JS’s editorship of the Times and Seasons, he did not actually begin direct supervision of the newspaper until the following issue. See Historical Introduction to Times and Seasons, 1 Mar. 1842; and “To Subscribers” in the 1 Mar. 1842 issue.
sented by elder Joel McWithee, numbering 3 elders, 1 deacon, and 22 members, generally in good standing.
The Attica branch was represented by Alvirus Webster, numbering 1 priest, 1 teacher, and 15 members, generally in good standing.
The Alabama branch was represented by P. H. Winegar, numbering 1 elder, 1 teacher, and 11 members, in good standing.
The branch at Akron was represented by L. Harrington, numbering 2 elders, 1 priest, 2 teachers, 1 deacon, and 36 members. (17 members removed to the west since last conference.)
The Castile branch was represented by , numbering 2 elders, and 13 members,—3 added since last conference.
The Bath branch was represented by elder Young, numbering 1 teacher, and 11 members.
The Sparta branch was represented by Ralph L. Young, numbering 2 elders, 1 priest, 1 deacon, and 17 members.
The Howard branch was represented by elder Young, numbering 1 elder, 1 priest, and 14 members.
The Portage branch was represented by elder Young, numbering 1 deacon, and 8 members.
The Loon Lake branch was represented by R. L. Young, numbering 1 elder, and 6 members.
Tower of Yates, numbers 4 members.
Scattering members 9 members.
Whole number in conference represented, 232.
Voted, that we take into consideration the subject of assisting elder C. Thompson to defray the expenses of publishing his books in proof of the Book of Mormon.
Voted, that a committee be appointed on the above subject to report to-morrow morning at 9 o’clock.
John L. Bartholf, Tho’s. Moore, elder Joel McWithee, elder Young, and Alvirus Webster, were appointed that committee.
Conference adjourned until this evening at 6 o’clock to meet in the court-house.
Conference met at 6 o’clock agreeable to adjournment opened meeting by singing and prayer by elder Charles Thompson.
Sermon preached by elder Young on the faith once delivered to the saints.
Elder Charles Thompson president, addressed the conference on the duties of the several officers in the several branches.
Conference adjourned to meet at the court-house to-morrow morning at 9 o’clock A. M.
Conference met at 9 o’clock, opened by singing and prayer.
Heard the report of the committee on the subject of assisting elder Thompson to defray the expense of publishing his book on the evidences of the Book of Mormon. Postponed that subject for public preaching.
Sermon preached by on the subject of the gospel.
Adjourned for 1 hour, met accordingly, proceeded to business relating to the assistance of elder Thompson in publishing the book.
Voted, that a committee of 10 be appointed to assist in selling and giving circulation to the book.
Joel McWithee, P. H. Winegar, John Sharo, Benjamin Waldron, John L. Bartholf, Hiram Thompson, Daniel Rnssel, Thomas Moore, Joseph Shadbolt, and S. W. Disbrow, were appointed that committee.
Voted, that elder Stratten be disfellowshiped until he make satisfaction, and that he be cited to appear for trial at the next conference in Castile.
Voted, that the presiding elders of each branch present a list of all the members in each branch, and their standing in the same, at the next conference.
Voted, that this conference adjourn to meet at Castile Centre, Wyoming county, on the first Saturday and Sabbath in June next A. D. 1842.
John L. Bartholf, Clerk.
Batavia, Dec. 26, 1841.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in the county of Waldo, met according to appointment, in a quarterly conference in hope; on the 25th day of Dec. 1841, at 10 o’clock A. M.
Meeting was called to order, when elder Otis Shaw was chosen to preside, and was chosen clerk. After a few feeling remarks by the president of the conference, he then read Acts 2nd chapter from the 12th verse, to the end of the chapter. The president then led in prayer, after which elder Willard Mul [p. 698]