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Bump, Jacob
1791–by 10 Oct. 1865. Brickmason, plasterer, carpenter, mechanic, farmer, craftsman. Born at Butternuts, Otsego Co., New York. Son of Asa Bump and Lydia Dandley. Married Abigail Pettingill, ca. 1811. Moved to Meadville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, by 1826. Baptized into Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, by 1833. Moved to Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio, by 1833. Participated in Camp of Israel expedition to Missouri, 1834. Labored on Kirtland temple, 1835. Joined dissenters in Kirtland to depose JS. Used influence with dissenters to prevent mob violence against Latter-day Saints leaving Kirtland, 1838. Appointed bishop in Kirtland stake of James J. Strang’s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 7 Aug. 1846. Broke with Strang and reconstituted Church of Christ with William E. McLellin, Jan. 1847. Still living at Kirtland, 1860.
- History, 1838–1856, volume A-1 [23 December 1805–30 August 1834]
- Times and Seasons, 1 August 1842
- Account and Receipt from Willard W. Beals, 18 September 1838
- Agreement with Oliver Granger, 29 April 1840
- Alias Scire Facias, 4 October 1842 [ Bump Administrator of the Estate of Stannard v. Young and JS ]
- Bill in Chancery, circa 19 June 1843 [ Russell v. JS et al. ]
- Capias ad Respondendum, 26 July 1837 [ Barker for the use of Bump v. JS and O. Cowdery ]
- Deed from Alpheus and Elizabeth Conant Russell, 10 October 1836
- Deed from Edmund and Ann Kelly Bosley, 23 October 1835
- Deed from Hiram and Permelia Bundy Dayton, 13 September 1836
- Deed from Jacob Bump, 5 December 1836
- Deed from Jacob and Abigail Pettingill Bump, 23 May 1837
- Deed to Isaac Bishop, 20 January 1837
- Deed to Jacob Bump, 15 October 1836
- Deed to William Marks, 10 April 1837–C
- Deed, 10 July 1846 [ Russell v. JS et al. ]
- Deed, 3 June 1841 [ Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty v. Rigdon et al. ]
- Deed, Aaron and Polly Kelsey Johnson to Oliver Granger, 22 November 1839–B
- Deed, Oliver and Lydia Dibble Granger to John Howden, 29 March 1838
- Docket Entry, Cost Bill, circa 18 March 1844 [ Russell v. JS et al. ]
- Docket Entry, Costs, circa 18 March 1844 [ Russell v. JS et al. ]
- Docket Entry, Costs, circa 24 October 1837 [ Barker for the use of Bump v. JS and O. Cowdery ]
- Docket Entry, Costs, circa 3 April 1838 [ Stannard v. Young and JS ]
- Docket Entry, Decree, 18 March 1844 [ Russell v. JS et al. ]
- Docket Entry, Order of Sale and Return, circa June 1844 [ Russell v. JS et al. ]
- Docket Entry, Sheriff’s Return, between 9 November 1842 and circa 27 March 1843 [ Bump Administrator of the Estate of Stannard v. Young and JS ]
- Docket Entry, circa 1 January 1838 [ Bump v. JS ]
- Docket Entry, circa 2 January 1838 [ Bump v. S. Smith and JS ]
- H. Smith & Co. Ledger, July–November 1836
- History, 1834–1836
- History, 1838–1856, volume B-1 [1 September 1834–2 November 1838]
- Introduction to Barker for the use of Bump v. JS and O. Cowdery
- Introduction to Bump v. JS
- Introduction to Bump v. S. Smith and JS
- Introduction to Russell v. JS et al.
- Introduction to Stannard v. Young and JS
- Introduction to Wright v. Rigdon et al.
- Introduction to the Kirtland Safety Society
- Invoice, Jacob Bump to William Smith, 22 November 1836
- Invoice, Jacob Bump to William Smith, 29 October 1836
- Invoice, Jacob Bump to William Smith, circa November 1836
- Journal, 1835–1836
- Kirtland Safety Society Daybook, circa 4–16 January 1837
- Letter from Joseph Coe, 1 January 1844
- Letter from Reuben McBride, 28 February 1844
- Letters to John Burk, Sally Waterman Phelps, and Almira Mack Scobey, 1–2 June 1835
- Map of Kirtland City, between circa 6 April and 18 May 1837
- Minute Book 1
- Minutes and Discourses, 7–8 March 1835
- Minutes, 13 April 1838
- Minutes, 28–29 August 1834
- Mortgage to Alpheus Russell, 10 October 1836
- Mortgage to Peter French, 5 October 1836
- Notice, 12 August 1840 [ Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty v. Rigdon et al. ]
- Notice, 14 July 1843 [ Russell v. JS et al. ]
- Order of Sale, 23 April 1844 [ Russell v. JS et al. ]
- Petition to Arial Hanson, 7 November 1836
- Power of Attorney, Aaron Johnson to Oliver Granger, 15 April 1839
- Power of Attorney, John W. Clark to Oliver Granger, 15 April 1839
- Praecipe, circa 13 June 1842 [ Bump Administrator of the Estate of Stannard v. Young and JS ]
- Praecipe, circa 3 October 1842 [ Bump Administrator of the Estate of Stannard v. Young and JS ]
- Recognizance, 24 October 1837 [ Wright v. Rigdon et al. ]
- Resolutions, circa 23 August 1834
- Resolutions, circa 23 August 1834, as Published in Evening and Morning Star
- Resolutions, circa 23 August 1834, as Published in The Evening and the Morning Star
- Rigdon, Smith & Co., Ledger, 23 September 1836–2 August 1837
- Scire Facias, 14 June 1842 [ Bump Administrator of the Estate of Stannard v. Young and JS ]
- Statement of Account from Perkins & Osborn, circa 29 October 1838
- Subpoena, 20 June 1843–B [ Russell v. JS et al. ]
- Transcript of Proceedings, circa 18 March 1844 [ Russell v. JS et al. ]
- Transcript of Proceedings, circa 24 October 1837 [ Barker for the use of Bump v. JS and O. Cowdery ]
- Transcript of Proceedings, circa 3 April 1838 [ Wright v. Rigdon et al. ]
- Transcript of Proceedings, circa 4 October 1842 [ Bump Administrator of the Estate of Stannard v. Young and JS ]
- Warrant, 21 October 1833
- Gender
- Male