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Young, Lorenzo Dow
19 Oct. 1807–21 Nov. 1895. Farmer, plasterer, gardener, blacksmith, nurseryman. Born at Smyrna, Chenango Co., New York. Son of John Young and Abigail (Nabby) Howe. Married Persis Goodall, 6 June 1826, at Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York. Baptized into Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by John P. Greene, 1832. Moved to Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio, by 1834. Stockholder in Kirtland Safety Society. Moved to Missouri, Sept. 1837, and settled in Daviess Co., spring 1838. Moved to Far West, Caldwell Co., Missouri, Oct. 1838. Participated in skirmish at Crooked River, near Ray Co., Missouri, 25 Oct. 1838. Moved to Scott Co., Illinois, 1839; to Macedonia, Hancock Co., Illinois, 1841; and to Nauvoo, Hancock Co., 1842. Participated in plural marriage during JS’s lifetime. Served mission to Ohio, 1844. Member of Brigham Young pioneer company that journeyed to Salt Lake Valley, 1847. Bishop of Salt Lake City Eighteenth Ward, 1851–1878. Ordained a patriarch, 1877. Died at Salt Lake City.
- History, 1838–1856, volume A-1 [23 December 1805–30 August 1834]
- History Draft [6 August 1838–30 December 1839]
- History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842]
- Addenda Notes [1835]
- Agreement with William Tenney and Others, 30 November 1836
- Charges against Joseph Smith Preferred to Bishop’s Council, 29 May 1837
- Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846; Volume 2, 1 March–6 May 1845
- History Draft [1 January–21 June 1844]
- History, 1834–1836
- History, 1838–1856, volume B-1 [1 September 1834–2 November 1838]
- History, 1838–1856, volume E-1 [1 July 1843–30 April 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume F-1 [1 May 1844–8 August 1844]
- Introduction to Stannard v. Young et al.
- Journal, 1835–1836
- Kirtland Elders’ Certificates
- Kirtland Safety Society Bank Stock Ledger, 18 October 1836–12 June 1837
- Letter from Benjamin F. Johnson, 16 April 1843
- Letter from Heber C. Kimball, 9 July 1840
- Letter to Benjamin F. Johnson, 18 April 1843
- Letterbook 2
- License for Lorenzo Young, 6 April 1836
- List of Nauvoo Bonds and Deeds, 1842–1846
- Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, 28 November 1843
- Minute Book 1
- Minutes and Discourses, 7–8 March 1835
- Minutes, 12 March 1835
- Minutes, 28–29 September 1835
- Minutes, 6 May 1839
- Minutes, 6 May 1839, Draft
- Nauvoo Registry of Deeds, Deed Record Book B, 1843–1846
- Pay Order, Lorenzo Young to Cahoon, Carter & Co., 28 March 1836
- Promissory Note from Lorenzo Young, 9 April 1838
- Resolutions, circa 23 August 1834
- Resolutions, circa 23 August 1834, as Published in Evening and Morning Star
- Resolutions, circa 23 August 1834, as Published in The Evening and the Morning Star
- Revised Articles of Agreement for the Kirtland Safety Society, circa March 1837

Lorenzo Young (Private possession.)
- Gender
- Male