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La Harpe, Illinois
Located about twenty-five miles east of Nauvoo. Settled 1830. Originally called Franklin. Developed, platted, and renamed La Harpe, by 1836. Immigration and missionary work led to creation of branch of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in area, 17 Apr. 1841. Latter-day Saint population by 1845 about 250. JS rode from Nauvoo to La Harpe with wife Emma, 6 July 1842.
- History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842]
- Times and Seasons, 1 July 1842
- Account of Trial, 21–28 May 1845, Shorthand [ State of Illinois v. Williams et al. ]
- Account of Trial, 24–28 May 1845–A [ State of Illinois v. Williams et al. ]
- Account of Trial, 24–28 May 1845–A, as Published in Trial of the Persons Indicted [ State of Illinois v. Williams et al. ]
- Account of Trial, 24–28 May 1845–B [ State of Illinois v. Williams et al. ]
- Affidavit from Gideon Gibbs, 22 June 1844
- Affidavit from James Clift, 21 June 1844
- Agreement with George W. Robinson and Sidney Rigdon, 26 August 1842
- Appendix 7: Council of Fifty, Minutes, 19 January 1846
- Court-Martial against Wilson Law, 9 May 1844
- Court-Martial against Wilson Law, 9 May 1844, Copy
- Deed, Oliver Granger to Christopher Edmunds, 24 September 1841
- History Draft [1 January–21 June 1844]
- History Draft [1 January–30 June 1842]
- History Draft [1 January–31 December 1841]
- History Draft [1 March–31 December 1843]
- History Draft [1 July–31 December 1842]
- History Draft [21 June–8 August 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume D-1 [1 August 1842–1 July 1843]
- History, 1838–1856, volume E-1 [1 July 1843–30 April 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume F-1 [1 May 1844–8 August 1844]
- Introduction to Illinois Land Transactions
- John Taylor, Martyrdom Account
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 1, 21 December 1842–10 March 1843
- Journal, December 1841–December 1842
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 2, 10 March 1843–14 July 1843
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 3, 15 July 1843–29 February 1844
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 4, 1 March–22 June 1844
- Letter from Daniel Shearer, 5 June 1844
- Letter from Garret Bias, 7 March 1843
- Letter from George W. Robinson, 26 April 1843
- Letter from George W. Robinson, 6 November 1842
- Letter from John Mills, 1 September 1843
- Letter from Mephibosheth Sirrine, 25 May 1842
- Letter from Sidney Rigdon, 27 March 1843
- Letter from William Griffey, 18 May 1843
- Letter from Zenas Gurley, 4 May 1842
- Letter to George W. Robinson, 6 November 1842
- Marriage Certificate for Charles Cunningham and Sarah Seeley, 27 July 1842
- Minutes, 1 July 1844
- Minutes, 1 July 1844, Draft
- Minutes, 19 April 1843
- Minutes, 2 July 1844, Extract, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Minutes, 29 November 1843
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, February 1844–January 1845
- Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, February 1841–October 1844
- Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book
- Petition from James Hamilton and Others, circa 22 June 1844
- Power of Attorney to Amasa Lyman, 28 February 1843
- Praecipe, 9 October 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Williams et al. ]
- The Book of the Law of the Lord, Book A
- The Book of the Law of the Lord, Book B
- Tithing Daybook B
- Trustees Land Book B, 4 August 1842–8 December 1845
- William D. Huntington, Report, circa 24 March 1845
- William D. Huntington, Report, circa 31 August 1845
- William D. Huntington, Report, circa 6 November 1843
- William D. Huntington, Report, circa 6 November 1843, Copy
- County
- Hancock County
- State/Province
- Illinois
- Country:
- United States of America