Bill of indictment
A written accusation issued by a grand jury against one or more parties to an alleged crime to consider whether there is sufficient evidence of the charge to put the accused on trial.
- Account of Trial, 24–28 May 1845–A, as Published in Trial of the Persons Indicted [ State of Illinois v. Williams et al. ]
- Affidavit from Daniel Avery, 28 December 1843
- Capias, 15 December 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Drown ]
- Capias, 16 July 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Drown ]
- Capias, 22 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. JS for Perjury ]
- Certificate, 21 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith ]
- Sidney Rigdon, Appeal to the American People, 1840
- Sidney Rigdon, Appeal to the American People, 1840, Second Edition
- Sidney Rigdon, JS, et al., Petition Draft (“To the Publick”), circa 1838–1839
- Transcript of Proceedings, Murder, 18 July 1839 [ Extradition of JS et al. for Treason and Other Crimes ]
- Transcript of Proceedings, circa 20 June 1835 [ State of Ohio v. JS for Assault and Battery ]
- Warrant, 21 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith ]
- “A History, of the Persecution, of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints in Missouri,” December 1839–October 1840