Nauvoo Stake High Council Minutes, 28 Nov. 1840; 4 and 18 May 1844.
Nauvoo Stake High Council Minutes, ca. 1839–ca. 1843. Fair copy. In Oliver Cowdery, Diary, Jan.–Mar. 1836. CHL.
“Schedule of Church Records. Nauvoo 1846,” [1], Historian’s Office, Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904, CHL.
Historian’s Office. Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904. CHL. CR 100 130.
Jenson, Autobiography, 192, 389; Cannon, Journal, 9 Feb. 1891; Jenson, Journal, 9 Feb. 1891 and 19 Oct. 1897; Bitton and Arrington, Mormons and Their Historians, 47–52.
Jenson, Andrew. Autobiography of Andrew Jenson: Assistant Historian of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. . . . Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1938.
Cannon, George Q. Journals, 1855–1864, 1872–1901. CHL. CR 850 1.
Jenson, Andrew. Journals, 1864–1941. Andrew Jenson, Autobiography and Journals, 1864–1941. CHL.
Bitton, David, and Leonard J. Arrington. Mormons and Their Historians. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1988.
See the full bibliographic entry for JS Collection (Supplement), 1833–1844, in the CHL catalog.
Historical Department, Journal History of the Church, 13 Apr. 1833.
Historical Department. Journal History of the Church, 1896–. CHL. CR 100 137.
Clay Co., MO, Marriage Records, 1822–1842, vol. A, p. 140, microfilm 955,303, U.S. and Canada Record Collection, FHL.
U.S. and Canada Record Collection. FHL.
1840 U.S. Census, Hancock Co., IL, 175.
Census (U.S.) / U.S. Bureau of the Census. Population Schedules. Microfilm. FHL.
Nauvoo Third Ward Census, [25], Nauvoo Stake, Ward Census, CHL. It is possible that “Phebe Mattison” was related to Lucinda Madison Sagers and that the census takers conflated the spelling of “Madison” with “Mattison.” However, varied spellings and limited biographical records make it difficult to ascertain a relationship with any certainty. A woman named Phebe Madison joined the Relief Society in 1842; a woman named Phebe A. Matteson married Henry Pearmain in Nauvoo on 19 November 1843. (Relief Society Minute Book, 27 May 1842, [57], in Derr et al., First Fifty Years of Relief Society, 74; “Married,” Nauvoo Neighbor, 22 Nov. 1843, [3].)
Nauvoo Stake. Ward Census, 1842. CHL.
Nauvoo Neighbor. Nauvoo, IL. 1843–1845.
Nathan Tanner, Affidavit, Salt Lake Co., Utah Territory, 28 Aug. 1869, in Joseph F. Smith, Affidavits about Celestial Marriage, 1:78. Though Nathan Tanner’s 1869 affidavit states that JS taught him and Sagers about plural marriage “in the Spring of 1844,” it seems unlikely that JS would do so after charging Sagers with seduction. Given that four witnesses stated that Sagers taught the doctrine in fall 1843, it is likely that Tanner was off by one year in the affidavit he made twenty-five years after the events in question.
Smith, Joseph F. Affidavits about Celestial Marriage, 1869–1915. CHL. MS 3423.
Lucinda Madison Sagers to “the Presidency and the Twelve,” no date; Nauvoo Stake High Council, Minutes, ca. 13 Apr. 1844, JS Collection (Supplement), CHL.
Smith, Joseph. Collection, 1827–1846. CHL. MS 155.
A month earlier, William Clayton recorded in his journal a conversation he had with JS regarding Clayton’s plural wife Margaret Moon. JS reportedly told him that if anyone were to “raise trouble” over Clayton’s second wife and bring him before JS, “I will give you an awful scourging & probably cut you off from the church, and then I will baptise you & set you ahead as good as ever.” (Clayton, Journal, 19 Oct. 1843.)
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
In May 1842, several women reported that they had sexual relationships with male church members after John C. Bennett and others convinced them that JS approved of such behavior if it was kept secret. Most of the men were disfellowshipped. (Historical Introduction to Letter to Emma Smith and the Relief Society, 31 Mar. 1842; Nauvoo Stake High Council Minutes, 20, 24, 27, and 28 May 1842; Letter to the Church and Others, 23 June 1842; Testimonies in Nauvoo High Council Cases, May 1842, CHL.)
Nauvoo Stake High Council Minutes, ca. 1839–ca. 1843. Fair copy. In Oliver Cowdery, Diary, Jan.–Mar. 1836. CHL.
Testimonies in Nauvoo High Council Cases, May 1842. CHL.
Historical Introduction to Remarks, 25 Nov. 1843; Nauvoo Stake High Council Minutes, 25 Nov. 1843.