Jessee, “Writing of Joseph Smith’s History,” 456, 458. In December 1843, Bullock docketed and copied many of JS’s letters as well as municipal and legal documents so that copies could be forwarded to Illinois governor Thomas Ford. (See, for example, Affidavit from Daniel Avery, 28 Dec. 1843.)
Jessee, Dean C. “The Writing of Joseph Smith’s History.” BYU Studies 11 (Summer 1971): 439–473.
“Letters to and from the Prophet,” ca. 1904, [2], Historian’s Office, Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904, CHL.
Historian’s Office. Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904. CHL. CR 100 130.
See the full bibliographic entry for JS Collection, 1827–1844, in the CHL catalog.
Wilson Law to Charles C. Rich, Order, Nauvoo, IL, 9 Dec. 1843, Charles C. Rich, Collection, CHL; Charles C. Rich to Hosea Stout, Order, Nauvoo, IL, 9 Dec. 1843, in Order Book, 1843–1844, 13, Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL; see also Pay Order to William Clayton for Stephen Markham and Charles C. Rich, 9 Dec. 1843. Only Law’s order to Rich is extant, but other documents indicate that Law issued a similar order to Markham.
Nauvoo Legion Arsenal Account Book, 1844–1849. Charles C. Rich, Collection, 1832–1908. CHL.
Nauvoo Legion Records, 1841–1845. CHL. MS 3430.
Wilson Law to Charles C. Rich, Order, Nauvoo, IL, 9 Dec. 1843, Charles C. Rich, Collection, CHL.
Nauvoo Legion Arsenal Account Book, 1844–1849. Charles C. Rich, Collection, 1832–1908. CHL.
Docket in the handwriting of Thomas Bullock.