Letter to Edward Partridge and the Church, circa 22 March 1839, as Published in Times and Seasons
Source Note
JS, , , , and , Letter, [, Clay Co., MO], to and the church, , Adams Co., IL, [ca. 22 Mar. 1839]. Version published in “An Extract of a Letter Written to Bishop Partridge, and the Saints in General: By J. Smith, Jr. and Others While in Prison,” Times and Seasons, July 1840, 1:131–134. For more complete source information, see the source note for Letter to Isaac Galland, 22 Mar. 1839.
An extract oe [of] a letter written to , and the saints in general: byJ. Smith, Jr. and others while in prison.
, Clay co. Mo.
-[Continued to the .]-
We continue to offer further reflections to and to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; whom we love with a fervent love, and always bear them in mind in our prayers to our heavenly Father. It still seems to bear heavily in our minds, that the church would do well to secure the contract of land offered them by Mr. , and cultivate the friendly feelings of that gentleman, inasmuch as he shall prove himself to be a man of honor and a friend to humanity: we think his letters breath a kind and generous spirit.— We suggest the idea of praying fervantly for all men, particularly those who manifest any degree of sympathy for the suffering people of God. We think that the United States survayor, Isaac Van Allen Esq. the attorney general, and of the , from the kindness they manifest, may be of great service to the church. It seems to be deeply impressed upon our minds, that the saints aught to lay hold of every opening, in order to obtain a foot hold on the earth, and be making all preperations that is within their power for the terrible storms that are now gathering in the heavens, with darkness, and gloominess and thick darkness; as spoken by the prophet, which cannot be now long time lingering: for there seems to be a whispering by the angels of heaven, who have been intrusted with the council of these matters for the last days; and who have taken council together, and among the affairs transacted by that honerable council, they have taken cognizance of the murder of our beloved brethren at , as well as those who were martyred with , and have passed some decisions peradventure in favor of the saints, these decisions will be made known in their time. We are desirous, that in your general , every thing should be discussed, with candour and propriety, lest you grieve the Holy Spirit, which should at all times be poured out upon you, when you are exercised with the principals of rightousness, and are properly affected one towards another. Be carefull to remember those who are in bondage, heaviness, and deep affliction for your sake. If there are any among you, who aspire after their own agrandizement and oppulence while their brethren are groaning in poverty, and laboring under sore trials and temptations, they cannot be benefited by the intercessions of the Holy Spirit: we aught at all times to be very careful that such high mindedness never have place in our hearts, but condescend to men of low estate, and with all long suffering, bare the infirmities of the week. There are many called but few are chosen, and why are they not chosen? Because their hearts are set upon the things of the world and are aspiring to the honors of men; they do not learn the lesson that the rights, of the , are inseperably connected with the powers of heaven; and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled, only upon the [p. 131]