Petition to George O. Tompkins, between 9 and 15 March 1839, Copy [State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason]
Source Note
, , , , and JS, Petition, , Clay Co., MO, to , [, Cole Co., MO], between 9 and 15 Mar. 1839. Version copied [between late Apr. and early June 1839]; handwriting of ; six pages; JS Collection, CHL.
of any crime whereby he should be restrained of his liberty, from a personal knowledge having been with him, and being personally acquainted with the whole of the difficulties between the Mormons and their Persecutors, and that he has never acted at any time only in his own defence, and that too on his own ground, property, and posessions, that the Prisoner has never commanded any Military Company, nor held any Military Authority, neither any other office real or pretended in the State of , except that of a religious Teacher, that he never has borne Arms in the military Rank, and in all such cases has acted as a private Character, and as an individual, How then your Petitioners would ask, can it be possible that the Prisoner has committed Treason, the Prisoner has had nothing to do in only on his own business as an individual, that the Testimony of concerning a Council held at ’s was false, your Petitioners do solemnly declare that there was no such Council, that your Petitioners were with the Prisoner and there was no such vote nor conversation as swore to, that also swore false concerning a Constitution as he said was introduced among the Danites, that the Prisoner had nothing to do with burning in , that the Prisoner made publick proclamation against such things, that the Prisoner did oppose and against vile measures with the Mob, but was threatened by them if he did not let them alone, that the Prisoner did not have any thing to do with what is called s Battle, for he knew nothing of it until it was all over, that he was at Home, and in the bosom of his own Family during the time of that whole transaction, and in fine your Petitioners alledge that he is held in confinement without cause and under an unlawful and tyrannical oppression, and that his Health, & constitution, and life depends on being liberated from his confinement, your Petitioners aver, that they can disprove every item of Testimony that has any tendency of Criminality against the Prisoner for they know it themselves, and can bring many others [p. [4]]