Petition to George O. Tompkins, between 9 and 15 March 1839, Copy [State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason]
Source Note
, , , , and JS, Petition, , Clay Co., MO, to , [, Cole Co., MO], between 9 and 15 Mar. 1839. Version copied [between late Apr. and early June 1839]; handwriting of ; six pages; JS Collection, CHL.
Others also to prove the same, therefore your Petitioners pray your Honor to grant, to him the States Writ of directed to the Jailor of (Mo) commanding him forthwith to bring before you the Body of the Prisoner so that his Case may be heard before your Honor, and the situation of the Prisoner be considered and adjusted according to Law and Justice as it shall be presented before your Honor, and as in duty bound your Petitioners will ever Pray
And further your Petitioners testify that the said Joseph Smith Junior did make a publick Proclamation in in favor of the Militia of the State of , and of its Laws, and also of the Constitution of the , that he has ever been a warm Friend to his , and did use all his influence for Peace, that he is a peaceable and quiet Citizen, and is not worthy of Death, of Stripes, Bonds, or imprisonment, the above mentioned Speech was delivered on the day before the surrender at .
Joseph Smith, Jr
State of Missouri)
ss. [scilicet]
County of )
This day personally appears before me Abraham Shafer, a Justice of the Peace, within and for the aforesaid County , , , , and Joseph Smith Junr., who being duly Sworn doth depose and say that the Matters and things set forth in the foregoing Petition upon their own knowledge are true in Substance and in fact and so far as set forth upon the information of others they believe to be true.
Joseph Smith Jr
Sworn & subscribed to this 15th. day of March, 1839, before me