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Lytle, Andrew, Jr.


25 Dec. 1812–25 Dec. 1870. Blacksmith, policeman, justice of the peace, mayor. Born in Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania. Son of Andrew Lytle and Sarah Davidson. Moved to Akron, Portage Co., Ohio. Married Hannah Hull, 18 Oct. 1835, in Waterford, Erie Co., Pennsylvania. Moved to Caldwell Co., Missouri, by 1837. Baptized into Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Seymour Brunson, 26 July 1837. Moved to Adams Co., Illinois, by 11 May 1839. Moved to Commerce (later Nauvoo), Hancock Co., Illinois, by Sept. 1839. Ordained an elder, by 29 Aug. 1842. Lived in Nauvoo Fourth Ward, 1842. Appointed Nauvoo policeman by Jonathan Dunham, 29 Dec. 1843. Member of third and fifteenth quorums of the Seventy, 1844. Moved to Winter Quarters, unorganized U.S. territory (later in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska), by 1846. Served in Mormon Battalion, 16 July 1846–16 July 1847. Led group of Mormon Battalion veterans from Sutter’s Fort, in present-day Sacramento, Sacramento Co., California, to Salt Lake Valley, Aug. 1847–Oct. 1847. Moved to San Bernardino, Los Angeles Co., California, by 1848. Moved to Utah Co., Utah Territory, by 1850. Led pioneer company to San Bernardino, 1851. Elected justice of the peace, Jan. 1853. Served as mayor of San Bernardino, 1856–1857. Moved to Beaver, Beaver Co., Utah Territory, 1857. Returned to San Bernardino, 1860, where he died.

