gubernatorial choice, and it was his hatred to truth and the “Mormons,” to his blood thirsty murderous disposition that raised him to the station he occupied. & this <His> extermintig [exterminating] order of the 27[th] around every spirit in the state of of the like stamp with his own, and the Mobocrats were flocking to the Standard of from almost every qua[r]ter. , although not the ranking office, was selected by By as the most fit instrum[en]t to cary out his murderous. designs. for, bad as they were in very few commanding office[r]s were yet suffici[en]tly hardnd. to go all lengths with in this inhum contemplated inhuman, Butchy [butchery], & expulsi[o]n from one of the (so called) should be free & indepndet [independent] states of the , where the Constution declar[es] that “eve[r]y mans shall have the privlege of worshipping God according to the dictates of this own conscience,” and this was all the offenc[e] the had been guilty of. <And here I would> I should have peviosly<30> stated that while the evil spirits were raging up & dom [down] in the d to raise mobs against the “Mis◊◊◊◊◊” Sa “Mormons,” Satan himself was no less busy in striving to stir up mischief in the camp of the Saints; and among the most conspicuoc [conspicuous] of his < & His Danites> willing devotees was one Samuel <Doct> , who had been in the Church but a short time, and who, although he had generally behaved with a tolerable degree of external decorum, was secretly aspiring to be the greatest of the great, and become the leader of the people. This was his pride & his folly, but as he could not accom <had> no hopes of accomplishing it. by going <in> the hearts of the people in open combat. <strife> he watched his opportunity with the brethren, at a time when mobs had oppressd them& robbed, wh[i]pped, burned, plunderd, and slain till forbearan[c]e seemed no longer a virtue, and nothing but the grace of god without measure could support men under such trials, to form a secret society <combination>. by <on>which he might rise a migthy [mighty] conquerer at the expence of the overthrow of the church. And this he <tried to> accomplishd by his smoth◊, flattery & winning speehes, which he freequenlty made, to his hearer <associates>, while his [illegible] <Lodge> room was [p. 31]