<18> cows while the girls were milking them. The mob threatend to send the committe “to hell jumping” & “put day light though them.” The breth[re]n gathe[re]d up what they could and left <> in one hour, and the mob staid until they left then plunder[e]d thousands of dollars worth of property which had been put into the hands of t left by the brothrs & sisters to help the poor to remove. <ϕ see paper> during this <the> commotion this day a great portion of the records of the Comm[i]ttee &c accounts. history &c were destroy[e]d or lost, so that but few definate items can be register[e]d, in their place. When the commen[ce]d removi[n]g from they shipped as many, <goods familes and goods> as possible at . to go down the &c, to Ill. This Mission was in charge of & , who weer appontd [appointed] by the committe.
I contin[u]ed on my jouny [journey] with my brethrn towa[r]ds .
<Elder appropriated his money to remove the poor from >
The brethrn & Sisters who had been arrived at in ware beginni[n]g to pen their suff[er]ings and losses in . The statem[e]nt of . writt[e]n by her own hand I will here insert. “To whom, #. (see statem[en]t)— .” This is a fair specimen of a multitude of others which might be given, some Thus are the cries of the widow and the fatherless ascending to heaven. How long O Lord wilt thou not avenge th[e] blood of the Saints.
<21> Sunday 21st. I <had> still continued <my Jo[u]rney.> travellig from day to day towards a land of freedom, and the temporary abode of my family & frinds.
<22> <We continu[e]d θ (T. & S. 7) family, whom I found as well as could be> Monday the 22. I arrived <safe> at , <Ill.> with my fellow pisoners, and found my family & <whom> fr[ie]nds as well as could be expected consideng [considering] what th[e]y had been called to endure. Before <Lawyers Fees> leaving I had paid the Lawyers at at & $34000 in cash, Lands &c. one lot which I let them [p. 53]