John Smith, Journal, 1836–1840, 29 Feb. 1840, [58]; Minutes and Discourse, 6 Mar. 1840.
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
Bond from Horace Hotchkiss, 12 Aug. 1839–B; JS History, vol. C-1, 965; Leonard, Nauvoo, 58.
Leonard, Glen M. Nauvoo: A Place of Peace, a People of Promise. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book; Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 2002.
At meetings in October 1839, the high council instructed Vinson Knight to pay $150 for the ferry at Montrose and voted to place Daniel C. Davis in charge of it. (Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 20 Oct. 1839, 24; Minutes, 27 Oct. 1839; Agreement with Daniel C. Davis, 21 Oct. 1839.)
Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 1839–1845. CHL. LR 3102 22.
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Horses were used on horse ferries, or team boats, which began operating in the United States in the 1810s. Albert Koch, a German paleontologist traveling in the United States in the mid-1840s, described a horse ferry on the Ohio River: the ferry was “set into motion by two horses, of which one on either side in a little house turned a wheel which was connected to a waterwheel. A single man managed the whole thing.” (Greene, Horses at Work, 69–70; Koch, Journey through a Part of the United States of North America in the Years 1844 to 1846, 114.)
Greene, Ann Norton. Horses at Work: Harnessing Power in Industrial America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008.
Koch, Albert C. Journey through a Part of the United States of North America in the Years 1844 to 1846. Translated by Ernst A. Stadler. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1972.
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TEXT: Double underlined.
Harris apparently had owed money that he could not pay to a Brother Annis and a Brother Fuller. In January 1840, Annis and Fuller brought a charge against Harris before the high council, but the charge was dropped when the high council ordered the money repaid and directed Harris to repay JS. The thirty dollars Harris owed JS may have been to repay JS for covering this earlier debt. (Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 12 Jan. 1840, 43.)
Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 1839–1845. CHL. LR 3102 22.