Holy Ghost, gift of
A right or privilege bestowed through the confirmation ordinance. Individuals were confirmed members of the church and received the gift of the Holy Ghost through the laying on of hands. The Book of Mormon explained that remission of sins requires not only repentance and baptism by water, but also baptism “by fire, and by the Holy Ghost.” This second “baptism” also bestowed spiritual gifts and blessings through the Holy Ghost. JS’s revelations specified that elders could lead meetings, prophesy, and perform healings and other miracles by the power of the Holy Ghost. In the 1840s, JS taught that baptism and bestowing the gift of the Holy Ghost were among the ordinances that church members could perform by proxy for those who died without these saving ordinances. See also “” and “.”
- General Joseph Smith’s Appeal to the Green Mountain Boys, 21 November–circa 3 December 1843
- Times and Seasons, 1 April 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 March 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 September 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 April 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 August 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 June 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 March 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 October 1842
- Account of Meeting and Discourses, circa 9 March 1841
- Account of Meeting, 12 January 1841, as Reported by William P. McIntire
- Account of Meeting, circa 30 March 1841
- Appendix 3: “Articles of the Church of Christ,” June 1829
- Articles and Covenants, circa April 1830 [D&C 20]
- Articles and Covenants, circa April 1830, as Recorded in Coltrin, Diary [D&C 20]
- Articles and Covenants, circa April 1830, as Recorded in Gilbert, Notebook [D&C 20]
- Articles and Covenants, circa April 1830, as Recorded in Hyde and Smith, Notebook [D&C 20]
- Classification of Scriptures, not before 17 July 1833
- Discourse, 15 October 1843
- Discourse, 16 May 1841, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Discourse, 20 March 1842, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Discourse, 20 March, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Discourse, 23 July 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 3 October 1841, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Discourse, 3 October 1841, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 2 July 1839, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 2 July 1839, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Discourse, circa 21 March 1841, as Reported by William P. McIntire
- History Draft [1 March–31 December 1843]
- Instruction, 2 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards [D&C 130]
- Instruction, 2 April 1843, as Reported by William Clayton [D&C 130]
- Letter from D. S. Perry, circa 8 August 1843
- Letter from Oliver Olney, 15 or 16 July 1842
- Letter to Church Leaders in Geneseo, New York, 23 November 1833
- Letter to Church Leaders in Jackson County, Missouri, 18 August 1833
- Letter to Hyrum Smith and Nauvoo High Council, 5 December 1839
- Letter to Isaac Galland, 22 March 1839
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 13 November 1843
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 13 November 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 13 November 1843, as Published in New York Herald
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 13 November 1843, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Letter to Presendia Huntington Buell, 15 March 1839
- Letter to the Church and Edward Partridge, 20 March 1839, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Letter to the Church and Edward Partridge, 20 March 1839
- Letter to the Church, circa April 1834
- Letter to the Church, circa April 1834, as Published in Evening and Morning Star
- Letter to the Elders of the Church, 2 October 1835
- Letter to the Elders of the Church, 30 November–1 December 1835
- License for Frederick G. Williams, 27 April 1835
- License for John Whitmer, 9 June 1830
- Minutes and Discourse, 1–5 October 1841
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–8 April 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock
- Minutes, 11 September 1833
- Minutes, 23 March 1833–B
- Poem to William W. Phelps, between circa 1 and circa 15 February 1843
- Proclamation, between 19 January and 27 August 1841
- Questions and Answers, 8 May 1838
- Recommendation for George A. Smith, 21 September 1839
- Revelation Book 1
- Revelation, 12 October 1833 [D&C 100]
- Revelation, 22–23 September 1832 [D&C 84]
- Revelation, 23 February 1831 [D&C 42:74–93]
- Revelation, 6 April 1830 [D&C 21]
- Revelation, 6 May 1833 [D&C 93]
- Revelation, 7 December 1830, as Published in Ohio Star [D&C 35]
- Revelation, April 1829–B [D&C 8]
- Revelation, April 1829–D [D&C 9]
- Revelation, June 1829–B [D&C 18]
- Revelation, May 1829–A [D&C 11]
- Revelation, circa June 1835 [D&C 68]
- Revelations printed in Evening and Morning Star, January 1835–June 1836
- Revelations printed in The Evening and the Morning Star, June 1832–June 1833
- “Church History,” 1 March 1842
- Alternate Names
- Gift of the Holy Ghost