City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
, said he “was <I go> in for executing the laws of th[i]s ’ stated <that> Morrison said he had a Bond for a deed to land water mark.— and the could not take his pe[r]sonal right, and he obje[c]ted to the boats paying wharfage—
<C> , said if or Morrison or anyone else has built wharfs sinc that street was laid out, they could get no damage
<C.> , conside[re]d the ordinane passed good. & ought to be enforced
C. . believed it was our duty to stand up to the ordinances.
Motionedthat By .— <(See motion)> that water street be that the City council instruct the mayor, to order the to open Water Street. from &c Joseph Smith. .
app[r]oved the resolutin Motions. that the road might be cleared. from Rafts.— and the rafts might also pay licence.—
said the uppr stone house was in the street.—— Mayor said that was the greatest nusance the was in the street.—
<A.> was in favor—
Motion carried unanimously—
said he had read <the decis[io]n the post master general.> that a letter has no right to go out of a vessel until it has passed the Post office.—
The question arose by. . & , who were Aldermen.— Mayor explaind that if the refused to grant a commission. it does not disqualify the officer elect. to act in [h]is office. consequently there was no virtue in the commission.— but the virtue of the office counts in th[e] election.
thought. they were aldermen all the time, or none of the time.
Mayor said he wanted all the Aldermen to the [be] added to the city council. [p. 4]