City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Alde Explaind.— and spoke of the good charactre of the if and.—
Council .— wanted to settle for the press. if the parties will indemnify the city council for <from> all further suits
Movd & secnd that be instruc[ted] to Sittle for the Nauvoo Expositin [Expositor] so soon as the proprioters of the press— will indemnify the city council for <from> all allfurther suits suits commencd or to be comnsced by them or their ifleuce [influence] in future time. on the prsnt [present]. instance.—
referrd to Esqr [John] Woods— bill also for attending to suits of Gen Smith at .—
Esqr Wood said he did not feel disposd to brnig [bring] in a bill but leave it to the generosty of the coun[c]il, and requested the council to consider Mr Rieds. acc[o]unt.
— proposed <Moved> Mess Ried. & Woods presnt their claims <Bills> to the committe of claims,— scned by , <To be reported at the next regular meeting.—> carr[i]ed unanimusly
Adjond [Adjourned] till 2 o clock.
2. P. M. Council assembled according to adjournment. Names of Members called, Quorum present.
voted <to> reconsidre the vote of the morng on the petetion of .—
Moved by C. to grant the petition, of if it interfere with no others rights or privliges.
.— replied.—
2d.d. and carried.
Petition of Davis McOlney, & 20 othrs of the police read—
proposed that an ordinance <action> be had,— and was ready to enter into any measurs which were wise. & would be necessa[r]y [p. 42]