City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Motioned and carried that Co. be chairman to the Committee of Public Grounds.
Motioned and carried that the vacancy in the Committee of Public Grounds lately filled by be now filled up, when Co. was appointed in his stead.
Motioned and carried that be instructed to appear before the Council and give a statement in regard to the burying ground—
Petition of and four others “that Hodgkiss Street may be opened from Warsaw Street West one Block” read, and referred to the Committee of Public Grounds—
Motioned and carried that confer with the Committee of Public Grounds relative to the burying ground, and relate the same to the Council—
Co. motioned that the Petition for opening Warsaw St. South to the be called up again and reconsidered— which was done, when he proposed that a Committee be appointed to go, see, and locate the Street which would be the best to open, when , & were appointed to be the Committee to view the best road.
Co. reported that the Committee had conference with relative to the burying ground— he said that the lots were all sold, that some were paid for and others not. that he had been instructed to fence it in by the proceeds which he received from the Sales, and he stated that if it was necessary he would give a statement of all the Sales—
presented two bills due to amounting to <$>43.43cts. which were referred to the committee of claims— and was by them allowed.
presented a bill due to S[amuel] M. Marr amounting to $37.00 which was referred to the Committee of Claims, and was by them allowed—
presented a bill amounting to $15.69 which was referred to the committee of claims, and was by them allowed.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of that all ordinances or parts of ordinances in relation to Swine are hereby repealed.
<A> Bill was presented amounting to $228.82 due to (the deceased Marshall) which was referred to the Committee of Claims and by them allowed
It was motioned that Co. be added to the Committee of Claims & carried
Co. presented a bill amounting to $10. due to which was referred to the Committee of Claims and by them allowed
Motioned and carried that the bill pass, relative to having a Slaughter house in the City of .