City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Mayor stated that he had called the council because that when the called on the steam boats for wharfage the boats declined paying, because & Morrisoe [Morrison] had told them that they owned the land and they need pay no wharfage to the .— And he called the council to know their views on the subject, as he had told that he should see the ordinances executed and if they <boats> did not <pay> he should blow them up, and all those who uphold them <in resisting the ordnanes [ordinances]>.— And every measure is taken to palsey the hands of the officers of the . and I want to know how to remedy the evil, or whether he should abandon the ordinances, &c
said that it was the mayor’s duty to Enforce the ordinance of the .— and that no man has a right to build a wharf.— without leave from the city
suggested the propriety of Licencesing those these who owned land or wharfs to collect a tax for the landing of the boat.
, concurred.——
Mayor said the land at <on> the waters edge was a street.
suggested the propriety of having the street worked, as soon as may be.—
. that if water street was existed all round the there had been constructing a nusance.
Mayor Spoke by <in> ixplanation, and said <that said> if the would make a wharf, he would give up what he had done
<C.> said— he wished the mayor to execute the laws of the
<C> concurred.—
<C.> —— proposed that water street be worked the whole length. [p. 3]