City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
anxious for, but for the honor of the there should be an a city Attorny, & would be satisfied with 100. or any sum which the council think proper.—
moved that the ordince on city Attorney— be refrred to the comitte on Municipal laws— with the additi[o]n of 1 member and that comittee repo[r]t. on the duties & fees of the city Attorny.
on motion was added— to the committee
was find $5.00— for not rising when He addr[ess]ed the house.—) <Mayor Decided that all cost, arising in— be collected as in other suits.—>
Mayer proposd the counesl [council] take into consideration the payment of the police.—— proposd a public meeting for the payment in each ward to see if the people will pay the police, & if they will not— then the council will take the case into considerati[o]n
moved the assessors and collecters be a committe to get up there meeting & make collections.
suggstd we should <then> have another .—— and objected
Moved & secd. & caried that the Mayor & be authorized to call Meeti[n]gs in the differet wards, and collect funds to pay the police, for their services the past season.
Mayor, said he would get up meetings— until the peoplle would pay, the whole—
that he had called upon the to do this thing but the would not serve until it was acted upon by the council— I <&> told the to do this and he came back & said he would not do it.—
Adjnd [Adjourned] till next regular session, <at> 1/4 past 12.—