City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
with the and <that> all papers originate with the Atoney, thought the salary not a sufficient inducement. sugested the ordinane be repealed.
suggested the Idea of the parties litig[a]nt, paying the Attorny or the one who breaks the ordinace.—
remarkd (that the counsel take such a course as will protect the innocent,— that in many cases. he would get his pay of the individual employing. that the appointmet would. be a valueable considerable considration, and for. 1 year perhaps a salary <of> $100; would be sufficent.— perhaps 150, the next year.— &c increasing as the increases. and if $100 would not satisfy, we had better have an <no> attorney, would rather give his services as counseller. &c than levy a tax the people are not able to pay. and that eve[r]y man ought to be willing to help prop the . by bearing a share of the burdn till the was <is> able to pay, a higher salaray.— his opinion was that the officers of the be satisfied with a very small salary.— had never received $25.00 for his services, but the peace he had enjoyd in the rights & liberties of the had been ample compensatin Suggestd the proprity of a clause in the ordinace to be made of authorizng the city Attorney to claim fees of parties in certain cases, and the small salary satisfy the attorny in cases where he can get not fees, from his client.— would rather drop be docked $100 <in his salery> than have the 2d hundrd dollers givn to the city Attony by the) .
— had attended almost all the cases of the for the past 2 ye[a]rs and asked nothing for it, approved the remarks of the Mayor.— that evry moment of the mayor had cost one hundrd dollars.—
C. , supposed there were <or should be> fixed duties, for the C. Attoney and would like to have an understan[d]ing of these duties in the proposed ordinances— thought $1.50 cts might be compensation for assessors, considering the bargains they might make ahead
proposed curtailing some of the city officers fees.
— spoke— <said> that it was not the amount of salary he [p. 9]