City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
scnded [seconded] the motion. & it was ordrd to lie on the tabl[e].
Petitin of Reuben Atwood <& 14 oth for openig Ann St> granted from water stre[e]t, to corporation line,— read & granted.
voted that the or the Estate of Gen Joseph Smith be allowed the sum of $16.30 <$16.70>— to Satisfy for s Boa[r]d bill,
An ordinance corning [concerning] Brothels & disorderly charatrs [characters] read twice. 3d time by its title, & passed.— satsified with its title
<A Report of——> The attendence of the City council &c. from Feb 10th. 1844 to Aug 9. 1844 inclusive. Total $429.15.— acecpted & ordrd to be paid,—
. Marshall, stated, that he had made a setlemet with —— on anaction <suit.> &c and the council voted to sanction the proceeding, of the marshal.
Ald referrd to settling for the Nauvoo Expositor said he had been told by that the whole could be settld for $800, if the money could be forth coming.— or security to be paid soon.
Ald. .— wished the the press might might be settled.——
C. . said if they were to proce[e]d with the riot part: he would go in for their waiting till they could get it, but if they would take $800 or 1600, and stop all procidings they would go in for it. [p. 41]