City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Spec[i]al businss of the council cal[l]ed for by vote <spoke> I take <took> the liberty of calling this Council for the purpose of setting before them the state of the people. & the Legion for the purpose of Securing Means, as provision are Scarce indeed. and as there is some murmuring amongst the Soldiers for some of them only can get one meal in a day or two days and in such a state of things it will not last long for if a man has the spirit of a soldier it will rise and of course they will take where they can get— therefore I thought it was best to send some people to the Territory & for there we can get plenty of provision as will put us pu over till the harvest.
<x> .
. said that they had a few acres of wheat which would soon be ready if peace was obtained and he calculated to bring it here to supply the inhabitants
<x> . all donations given into the should go to the Bishops for the support of the poor for we are commanded to look after the poor— and what is obtained by loan should go to the support of the Legion—
The Legion was called together to take measures for the sustenance of the poor till the Twelve come. Motioned. seconded & Carried that the high council be a commitee to collect means to provide for the support of the poor, for the present. Motioned secd & carried that the inhabitants sustain them in this calling and give them all information in their power— this was carr[i]ed unanimoously— [p. 35]