City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
proposd to defer action on the bill till a <the> subscrptin [subscription] go through—
Bill orderd to be laid on the table
Movd by that the Bishops offere the subcriptin to the diffrnt wards——
Ald — proposd suggested a variation
. said we have a mayor and he has charge of the police,— and referred to the unruly boys swimming & Ri[o]ting
<[B]ill> An Ordince to amend and ordince, entitld an ordinance regulating the fees. and compensation of the Several officers & persons therin Mentind passd Jan 14th1841 <1843>.— read.—
Moved by that the blank be filld with 2,00
— moved— $100— & carrid.—
Moved by Mayor that , be Clerk of the Mayrs court carrid.—
I. . do solemnly swear in the presance of Almighty God that I will support the constituti[o]n of the & the state of . and excute the duties of the Mayors office. in the City of according to the best of my ability
Aug 10. 1844
The to his seat as presidnt of the council
Bill regulating the salary of Mayor & Aldermn. & Counllr passd
Voted that the <pesrnt [present]> Assessor & Collecters of the city of . for 1843 be the assssors & collectors, for 1844
Voted, that the return the books of 1843 to the assessor & collectors,— & instruct them to proceed immediately to assess the property of the and levy a tax of one half per cent, for the year 1844.