City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
inqurd if the had not been instructed to get up meetings in the wards to raise funds for the police.
said he had been so inst[r]ucted & done what he could but could raise nothing
, said proposd giving an interst on <in> scrip, for 1 year
A. <C.> , <> ,— proposd lowring saleriess
offerd his dues as coucell
. Do
— Do
$10— on his sala[r]y
10 "
, of the police, said the police had considird the subject that they were willing to watch the , while it was necessary & all they wanted was to live, while they did it,—
thought high salaries were good to prevent try men——it was a & learn their liberality— Did not want the old police broken up— it was establishd by the former Mayor.
, was willing to serve as police if He could only, live and they were going to gaurd their till they get all, then they rest might guard it till they got it back again.—
moved that the council pass a resolution to add pay 10 pur cent interst on scrip suffic[ie]nt to pay the police.—
, concurred.
thought interest added to the scrip would not give any relief to the police.—
nominatd for Mayor till next Election. 2d by. . & carrid unaisouly [unanimously],— and he accepted,
A bill for an ordinance concring [concerning] city scrip to pay the police, read twice,— [p. 44]