City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
at 12 o clock, the mayor ordered the council to be recaled.
1 Oclock P.M. Council re-assembled. Names of members called Majority <Quorum> present.
The compendium of the 6th Census of the was received by the city council. From — A Memorial To the Honorable Senate and Representatives <of the in Congress asse[m]bled> passed Dec 21, 1843, was <was read &> signed by the counsellors— Aldermen, Mayor. & &
2 counseller & 1 alderman.— absent.
<voted the> <receive an order of> $25.00 on the treasury for engrossigs Petitions &c—
voted that . . . the procure $60 on the <credit> of the of fee to pay C, passage to. . as special messenger from the Coun[c]il to cary the Mem <The> Mayor <instructed to> call. all the Representativs of , tell them our suffering have been such that we must have that documet passed,— and we will have it. you must go in for it. go to and call a delegation from his ; seperate from deligatin [delegation], Demand the same. , and other prominet men.— Call public meetings in the city of , take the Saloon.— publish so much for Ticket:— invite the members. & roar upon it them.— take all my writing you think any thing of,— send.— &c. and you shall prosper in the name of God; Amen.
Report of the . of the attendance of the City Council. &c— from Aug 12, 1843 to Feb— 9 inclusive, <Total>. $828.11. fines 4.50 <—— Report accepted.>
Mayor spoke in favor of the s proceedings.—
spoke in favor of the , & of the Reprt of the —. spoke—— Mayor offred to give the 60 dollars <out of his salary> for C ’s passage to , if the would raise the funds immediately,
nomnated. . as counseller in his absence which was confirmd by the council——
accepted the appointment.—
spoke. in reciprocation of the good feelings which had be manif[ested] by the Mayor & others——
Report of the city councils adjourndattending <attendence> accepted. [p. 2]