A gathering of church leaders assembled “for consultation, deliberation and advice”; also a body responsible for governance or administration. As early as 9 February 1831, a revelation instructed that “the Elders & Bishop shall Council together & they shall do by the direction of the spirit as it must be necessary.” A March 1833 revelation directed JS, Sidney Rigdon, and Frederick G. Williams to “preside in council” and set in order the affairs of the church. JS later taught that councils were a central feature in the governance of the primitive church and even of heaven. Presidencies of priesthood quorums and the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo also operated as councils. Elders and high priests sometimes held “special” conferences, or councils, to consider important matters of church business. See also “,” “,” and “.”
- History, 1838–1856, volume A-1 [23 December 1805–30 August 1834]
- Appeal and Minutes, 21 June 1833
- Appendix 2: Letter to the Saints Scattered Abroad, June 1835
- Appendix 5, Document 6. Blessing to Oliver Cowdery, 2 October 1835
- Discourse, 12 November 1835
- Discourse, 2 May 1835, as Reported by William E. McLellin–B
- Discourse, 27 February 1835–A, as Recorded in Pratt, Notebook
- Discourse, 27 February 1835–A, as Reported by Oliver Cowdery
- Discourse, 27 February 1835–B, as Recorded in Pratt, Notebook
- Discourse, 27 June 1839, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff–A
- Discourse, 6 April 1837
- Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 2 July 1839, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Instruction on Priesthood, between circa 1 March and circa 4 May 1835 [D&C 107]
- Instruction on Priesthood, between circa 1 March and circa 4 May 1835, as Recorded in Kimball, History [D&C 107]
- Letter from Alanson Ripley, 10 April 1839
- Letter from Edward Partridge, between 14 and 19 November 1833
- Letter from Jacob Scott, 14 December 1841
- Letter from John E. Page, 23 September 1840
- Letter from Thomas B. Marsh, 15 February 1838
- Letter from Wilford Woodruff and Others, 9 March 1838
- Letter from William Smith, 18 December 1835
- Letter from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 28 March 1836
- Letter to Church Leaders in Eugene, Indiana, 2 July 1833
- Letter to Church Leaders in Geneseo, New York, 23 November 1833
- Letter to Church Leaders in Jackson County, Missouri, 25 June 1833
- Letter to Father Bigler, 27 May 1839
- Letter to J. G. Fosdick, 3 February 1834
- Letter to Lyman Wight, 27 May 1839
- Letter to Newel K. Whitney, 24 May 1839
- Letter to Quorum of the Twelve, 4 August 1835
- Letter to Robert B. Thompson, 25 May 1839
- Letter to Wilford Woodruff, circa 18 June 1838
- Letter to William W. Phelps, 31 July 1832
- Letterbook 1
- Letterbook 2
- License, 21 March 1836
- Minute Book 1
- Minutes and Discourse, 2 May 1835, as Reported by William E. McLellin–A
- Minutes and Discourse, 2 May 1835, as Reported by William E. McLellin–B
- Minutes and Discourses, 27 February 1835, as Recorded in Pratt, Notebook
- Minutes and Discourses, 27 February 1835, as Reported by Oliver Cowdery
- Minutes and Discourses, 27 February 1835, as Reported by William E. McLellin
- Minutes, 11 August 1834
- Minutes, 11 September 1833
- Minutes, 12 February 1834
- Minutes, 12 February 1836
- Minutes, 12 March 1835
- Minutes, 13 July 1833
- Minutes, 14 July 1835
- Minutes, 15 February 1833
- Minutes, 15 January 1836
- Minutes, 16 January 1836
- Minutes, 18 January 1835
- Minutes, 19 February 1834
- Minutes, 2 April 1833
- Minutes, 2 January 1836
- Minutes, 2 May 1833
- Minutes, 20 February 1834
- Minutes, 22 December 1836
- Minutes, 22 February 1836
- Minutes, 22 November 1835
- Minutes, 23 August 1834
- Minutes, 23 June 1833
- Minutes, 23 June 1834
- Minutes, 23 March 1833–A
- Minutes, 24 April 1839
- Minutes, 26–27 April 1832
- Minutes, 28 December 1834
- Minutes, 3 March 1836
- Minutes, 30 April 1832
- Minutes, 30 April 1833
- Minutes, 4 April 1834
- Minutes, 4–5 May 1839
- Minutes, 5 December 1832
- Minutes, 6 November 1837
- Minutes, 8 August 1835
- Minutes, 8 September 1834
- Minutes, Discourse, and Blessings, 1 March 1835
- Minutes, circa 1 May 1832
- Note, circa 9 December 1832
- Promissory Note to Jonathan Burgess, 17 August 1836
- Recommendation for Brigham Young, 3 June 1839
- Record of the Twelve, 14 February–28 August 1835
- Revelation Book 1
- Revelation Book 2
- Revelation, 11 November 1831–B [D&C 107 (partial)]
- Revelation, 22–23 September 1832 [D&C 84]
- Revelation, 26 April 1832 [D&C 82]
- Revelation, 4 June 1833 [D&C 96]
- Revelation, 8 March 1833 [D&C 90]
- Revelation, 9 February 1831 [D&C 42:1–72]
- Revised Minutes, 18–19 February 1834 [D&C 102]
- Revised Minutes, 18–19 February 1834, as Recorded in Hyde and Pratt, Notebook [D&C 102]