City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
who was — when he came here had scarc 2 shi[r]ts—— was dandld by the authorities of the .— Now. Editor— of the Expositor— his right hand man who he Confesd to him <the speaker> he had had the Pox,— &c—— has lifted his hand againt the municipality of God Almighty, and the curse of God shall rest upon him.
Mr. Washington Peck Sworn— said, soon after came heare said came to him— and wa[n]ted to have <loan> some need <moeny> <Witness> let him have some, and took some jewelry as security, Soon after— a man from across the river came after the jewelry had stolen it from him, orloaneditofhim.—
at anothr time wanted to get money— he should enlist in bogus making asked meif <witness> if he would do any thing dishonorable, to get, a living— said he would not.— <said> he <witness> was a <damd> fool he could get a living a deal easier than then he was then doing—— <by making Bogus> some men high in the chu[r]ch were engaged in the business— <witness asked if it was Joseph— No said . I dare not tell it to Joseph> butnotJoseph. Witness understood, the Laws were engaged in it— < said he> would be the death of witness if he ever went to Joseph or any one to tell of what he had said
2 " 12 mi names called. no quorum council adjnd for one hour
3 oclock 7, minutes.—
< recived his oath of office & took his seat in the counil>
moved— that Counseller be suspended <from his office as city counciller> until his case can be investivated [investigated] for slandering the <this> <council and that the notify him [o]f his suspensins [suspension] and that his case woud be investigated at the next regular session of the> Council— 2d by— —— and carrid—
,— Expressd his feelings that had helped make the ordinan[c]es of the and neverr lifted his voi[ce] agaist them. in the council.— and was now trying to dest[ro]y those same ordincs & the chapter <charter> [p. 14]