City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
did not want to do any thing to create quarrel among men <&> throught the police might bring up the ordinances of the , without fe[e] or reward.—
Mayor, asked if
Mayer queried
argued his motion that a house div[id]ed against itself cannot stand,— & drunkard will betray each other
— moved that the petition— of & othe[rs] be laid on the table and the police be instructed to watch the house & see <learn> if the ordinace be broken—
Mayor suggested, that there might be a mistake about the Upper stone house being
An ordinanc conce[r]ning the City Attorney and his duties, read— twice,—
objected to 3d Section— thought,
Or — concured with that complainant ought not to, be compelled to pay for council
Mayor, concurred.— and spoke at length.
spoke.— in concurrine [concurrence]
Mayor Suggested,— that, a bill be got up to give a portion of the fine to the compl[a]int— a potin [portion] to council. <the Attorny,> & the rest to the .—
— Explained.—
Mayor called to the chair.——
Mayor remarked the Attorny might have the privilege of occupying the Mayors office.—— and suggested that 1/3 fine go to Attorny 1/3 to complint [complainant] 1/3 to .— so far as the Mayor has said <had> to.— to <be> complan<an>t, witness, mayor— & every thing else
— spoke.—
.— explaind.—
<3d Section was Erased and a new one inserted.—>
Mayor moved that the rules be dispensd with & the bill pass
<Pass ◊◊ Carrid— Satisfid with Title) an ordinance concerning the city attorney and his duties,> [p. 16]