City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
continued— and said he sent to .— and Joseph knew nothing about it.—
said. came to him on the 7th & said he had had an interview with . & though[t] he was almost ready to come back— and a word from witness or Joseph would bring it about.— &c
Mayor— said the conduct of such men— & such papers are calculated to <do> destroy the peace of the .— and it is not safe that such things should exist— on acount of the mob spirit, which thy tend to produce,— and— he had made the statemnts he had, and called the witnesses to prepare the council to act in the case.—
was blakguarded out of and dubbed him with title of Judge, <(as he had undestood from citizns of )> he was poor.— and <Mayner [Mayor]> hilped him to cloth for a coat before he went away <la[s]t fall>— & he labored all winter to get the post office from Bro <(as informed)>—
<Mayor> Referred to a writing from ,— and Shewing that the Laws presented the communicati[o]n from the female Relief Society in the <Nauvoo> Neighbr— was <to > as the bone of contintion— <& s[a]id> If God ever spoke by any man, it will not be 5 years before this in ashes and we in our g[r]ave unless we go to <> or some <other> place,— if the does not put down. evry thing whic[h] tends to mobacracy— and put down their murders, Bogus Makers and scoundrels—, All the sorrow I have <he had> ever had in my <his> family, has arisin though the influnce of . [p. 18]