City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
C. [Councillor] said he recolteted [recollected] the time referrd to,
Mayor said gave him his Notes & he destryed them was the first man to step forward and help serve the poor from .—
Bill $40. read & record <refrred> to committee on claims <Speci[a]l> Committee reported an <A> Bill— on Ordinance on Libels & for othr puposes.— with preamble—
Mayor said— if he had a city council who felt as he did, the establishmnt, (refering to the Nauvoo Expostor) would be a Nuisan[c]e before night.— and read an Editorial from the 2d No of the Nauvoo Expositor who ever said a word vs until he has attacked this counil.— or agint, . or the Laws until they have come out against the ?—
& Here is a paper (Neauvoo Expositor.) that is exciting.— our enemies abroad,—
. has been proved— a murderer before this Council. and delard [declared] the paper a nuisance.
a greater nuisanc <greater> than a dead carcase— they make a criminality of for a man to have a wife on the earth while he has one in heaven— according to the keys of the holy pristhood, and read a <the> statement of in the Expositor. where the truth of God is <was> transformd into a lie.— Read Statemets of — & said he had never had any privite convesation with on these subjcts, that he preahed on the stand from the bible showing the order in ancient days having nothing to do with the present time.
What the opposition party wanted was to raise a mob on us and take the spoil of us as they did in
Said that he had as much as he could do to keep his clerk from publishing the proceedings of the Laws. and causing the people to——
said he would rather die to morrow and have the thing smashed,— than live & have it go on. [p. 24]