City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
half past 2 o clock P. M. council called Quorum persnt [present].
The <> bore testimony of the good character & high standing of Mr Smith’s family.— whose daughter was seduced by, , as stated in the morning council.
C. concurred.
Bill on Libells
Ordinance <Bill—> on Libels was read the 2d Time.
Moved by Mayor— that the words, “and statute of ” be added to the 1st section of the ordinac, immediately after Kent.— sceonded [seconded] and carried,— and the words added.— proposed the addition. of a word.
Mayor.— mentioned said no man would join the claque who isnot <votes> not guilty.— and objected to.—
<read 3d Time by its title>
Motioned by Mayor 2d by C. that the bill pass and carried unanimously:— satisfied with title “An ordinance concerning libels and for other purposes.”
Mayor Said the Constitution did not authorize an <the> press to publish Libels—
And proposed the council make some provision for putting-down the Nauvoo Expositors
C. movd that the procure. a porpectus [prospectus] of the Nauvoo Expositin [Expositor]. 2d by
read Art 8th 1 S. Constitution.
Mayor called on <for> the charter.—
Prospectus of the Nauvoo Expositor was read—
Mayor read statemts of from the “Expositor Is it not treasonable against all chartered rights, priviliges, peac[e] and happiness of the ?—— and spoke at great length.—
C. spoke in favor of declaring the Expositor a Nuisance [p. 26]