City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
— relative to the press when we sat in council & let that suit be put into the law by either party & I think it would cost $1500. or 2000. costs & paying their attorney. & it is my opinion that duty is not done—
— in regard to the press & the agency of & that he receive our thanks for what he has done & let him negociate with the proprietors, & when we declared that printing Press a Nuisance and I never thought we would have to pay for destroying it— but whatever the laws is. we will be amenable to the laws & we will settle for it
— said it had never entered his head that he would have to pay it & he concurred in the statement of .
— Said it was in his mind that we would have to pay for the press & perhaps More, & damages. if men would take the right way of it, the easiest way is the best & if we pay for it & not let it go into law— for doing so we will find it all the best,
. spoke again relative to the payment of that Press.— these Nuisances, or any other house, or slaughter house if they take it away. or removes it, they are under the necessity of paying for it.
— said the can do as He pleases <about keeping a watch about > & that we the city council <had nothing to do with it> that if he chooses to appoint his own agent to look after his affairs we will look after his property just the same as we have done heretofore—
— said I am well pllas <pleased> withe the conduct of & as for s property some time ago. Bro Joseph said to me that I had better buy it. & I bought his property at that time for he was in a very ragged condition & not fit to travel with & Bro Joseph give him the loan of $100— [p. 39]