City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
passed “Ordinance to locate an Alley on Block 69 and other Alleys or Lanes”
“Ordinance incorporating the Seventies Library and Institute Association” read 1st. time 2nd. time by Title— 3rd. time—
Co. spoke on the subject— followed shewing that as the gave us powers as large as the — we have power to give same to this Institute— Co. considers that we have power to give to this Institute— as far as right is given to us— let us give right one to another— shall we curtail ourselves because the Legislature wants to curtail us—
— said the Charter includes a grant to a college which goes further than this— we have power to legislate for the benefit & convenience of this — if we pass a law for the enlightning of the human family— we do not go against any law— and especially the Constitution of the — or of this — this bill is for the diffusion of useful knowledge throughout all the world— Intelligence is the life of liberty— every exertion shall be made to find out Intelligence— we shew good, that there is no evil in the thing—
there is no limit given in <to> the power of the Charter— I am in favor of the diffusion of Knowledge—
Ald. differed from in the power of the Charter. we have passed an Act to record our Deeds here instead of going 18 miles— it is for our convenience— and he went into his views of the power of the Charter— but I think the Charter now before us is too liberal and I may vote against it—
had leave to withdraw to go to the High Council
shewed the illiberality of the people of towards us, since the Charter was given us— and no man can shew that he has been injured by this City Council
Co. asked who was going to be injured by granting this Charter and spoke his feelings on the subject—
Co. said we want this Council to grant us the Charter— the University has been a failure— if the Council can make an University— it can make a Library
spoke— spoke— read the Sec. of the Charter relating to the University— and shewed that it came within the jurisdiction of this council—
Passed No. .
Co. wants it to be recorded that voted against it— “because the City Council has no authority to grant it.”
Satisfied by the Title Adjourned for one hour [p. 53]