City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
and if the people thing <think> there is a hog land <law> they will not fence— and consequently will be eat up. by Hogs &c from the county &c.— The hog law has made more contention than all the hogs would, if they had been let alone— let the hogs run in the street, and the people make good fences. and phys[ic]ians have given as their opinion that a hog mud hole is a <the> most healthy of any damp place. And if we do not let the hogs run at large, the hogs <& cattle> from the country will eat the grass &c, of the & we suffer all the evils & loose all the benefit,— empound the county Hogs. & the owner will damn the empounded & the .— and fight again[s]t us. Let the city council, let the Hog & dog laws alone
That man that grumbles a deal about a dogs barking at him he is a great coward.— This is an <a> reasson why god withdrew his spirit from the earth. is because the people were so ready to take the life of animals.—
. had not much to say about hog law.—
— acknow[ledg]ed the corn.— approved the mayor remarks—
C. . would Like a law. to prevent keeping any hogs but the grass bread.—
, thought hogs ought to be free commoners.
—— spoke.— suggested to take time to look if <over> the laws before reporting <granting> petitins
said we have had the hog law and tried it. and is not aware there is very <any> less hogs,— C
Mayor.— remarked improvement in breed of hogs should should be made as in other cases, by public opinion.— said he was so much meaner— than a dog a dog—
. was certain the voice of the inhabitats of the were in favor of th hog law and and <of> having them <it> enforced.— that it was the poor who suffurd from the richer class keeping hogs.
C. . said, he thought there was 8/10th of the people were in favor of having hogs shut up.—
Mayor, said it was the principles of demoracy [democracy] that the peoples voice should be heard when ther voice was just. but— when it was not just it was no longer democratic, but if the minority’s views are more just, then Aristarchy would be should be the. governi[n]g principle, I.E. the wisest & best. laws. should be made. when . & will call caususes [caucuses].— & explain the subject to them— then we will hear them, & they can petition understandingly.— [p. 6]