City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
City council Rough book, commencing Feb 10— 1844. 10 oclock A.M.— Reguler Session. Names of members called,— Not a quorum present. Adjourned until Monday next 10. oclok.— to wit Feb— 12th. 1844
Names of Members called. Quorum Present, Prayer by .— Minutes of last council read,— and approved.
Petition of Thomas Moss. for remuneration for damage <done his> of <cellar by a change in the location of water street> water Street, read and referred to Com<mitte> on Claims.—
Mayor suggested that the rise of property is was sufficient to indemnify the petitonrs.
objected to any action on the bill. Mayor agreed with .— said that Laws’ Mill stood where the road <was originaly located &> should have been <made— and it was alterred to accomorddate [accommodate]the Laws—> and he <they> agreed to and must satisfy all— who— were injured by the alteration, and they must do it.
Their alteration, <the order for> <T Moss> committe met, to <reconsiderd><the committee>— reconsidered.— & <the petition> ordered to be laid on the table
<The select> Committes, on <(to whom was <previously> referred the blan a blank bond of .> s. bond reportedthat the council to the Agent of the City of , for Lot 3— in Block 4— of Hibbards. Additions to <for> the <use of th> City of , for <the erection of> public buildings. by said .) Reported. that though the Lot was desireable for the to erect public buildings upon, yet the committes they did not thing <judge> it wisdom to accept this Lot on the conditions mentiond in said.— Bond.— as the might not think it best to erect a hall more than 38 ft <on 39> square.— or might prefer some other [illegible].
<Report accepted & the— Bond orderd to be laid in the table.>
Committe on City Attorney reported, they had not time, to draft the bill.— ordered, the committee have further time
, reported. the criminal code was probably with , and he was expected to return to the soone. C.— [Councillor]. moved committee have further time & carried.
Petition of ordered to be laid on the table
An ordinance to amend certain ordinances— read twice— 2d Sec added. read third time. passed.— Title, an ordinance entitld an ordinance to repeal certain ordinances therein mentind [mentioned]. read & apporved, approved
An ordinance to repeal an ordin[an]ce regulating the currency passed Mar[c]h 4th 1843.— read twice ruled dispecd [dispensed] with & passed. 15 minute before 12 adjourned to ne[x]t [r]egular meetng. [p. 1]