City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
<> understood <it was f> for the purpose of having an interview an on some matters in contention, asked the Gen if he had any objections to his s coming down— the Gen replied he had not, but wanted he should be presnt,— started and said he would be back shortly, before left the men whom the General had namd to be presnt at the convesatin were had sent for,— came went in as the Mayor & were comig out of the Bar room into the Hall. nothing said abo <by> the Mayor to about his coming back. Mayor made no offers to about a settleme[n]t.
Mayor said the fi[r]st thing that occurred when he stepped into the Hall with , he saw something shin[in]g below his vest,— Mayor put his finger on it, and said what is that, replied it is my pistol and immediately took out the pistol and showed it fairly & openly,— & wanted Mayor to go with him alone, Mayor said he would not go alone.— never saw the pistol before, had a hook on the side to hang on his suspnders. waistband
Andrew L. Lamoreaux. Sworn— read his statemts. Marked A. No 1. on File.—
whowassworn— atthelastcouncil— <on satuday——> said,— Stated that he he came to ,— before the Laws and brought much <considerable> property. it was just before after the church was driven from & arrived in this place. The families, having been robbed of all in were in a sta[r]ving condition. [p. 22]