City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Sirting [Sitting] befor City Council— June 10— 1844—
come to purchase lands— Josph recmnded [recommended] High coun[c]il, look to poor. purchasd hogs,— Laws purched [purchased], goods bought flour and meal, fore fut[ure], winter, in June went to ,— take the f[l]our have on hand, to pay 600 dollar owed.— what owed him would do it at reducd price— so as to make 2 pr cent.— while was gone— by council, to get some pine lumber, then told family— would attack his <my> prope[r]ty,— when was about to go agin, said he would ,— go ahead— Told Bro Joseph— was as good man as — did not Capias—— when made a dinne[r] 4th july made arrangemet with to furni[s]h meat &c— roled out on his own name nails to corner cabin. when will you pay. &c &c— forced to pledge.—— pre[a]ched punctualty, charged 2 per cent, pres[s]ed the poor— gone East reivd [received] up by sis Law,— he did not not know it,— allowd $50. for meal allowd $40.00.— Last Summre went south.—— had 24½ bu wheat,— at Laws mill— grou[n]d up wheat, & used it.— put me off— &c— with volice [valise?] in hand what is to be done about flour.— Laws upon the honre [honor] of a gentlmn & saint I will get it this weak will Lodge it in your home. when came back family had been without [illegible] [bread?]. 7½ only— must have starved if they had not—— some frlou [flour] right off—
Could not say one word was boili[n]g over,—— some said we have done the best we could.— built mills— bot farms— and oppresd the poor. ◊ Some other God [illegible] the one I served,— hitched on to bro Greene—— accknowld [acknowledged] his fault—
gulled $500.— blocked the wheels & locked the guns