City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
<C.> concurrd whith with what other counsellrs had said,—
referd to the statemet of the Expositor relative to the Muncpal cort in case of .— considrd it a public Nuissnc [nuisance]
— consi[de]red his a peculiar situatin for the city concil to pass this a nuisance would be hasty. & propose givng a few days limatin— & assess a fine of $3000.00 for every libel.— & if they would not cease publishing libe[l]s declare it a nuisance.
Mayor— Querrid
said the counsellr stated made provisions.— fine 500,00—
Mayor replid they thretend to shoot him when at — & the women and othrs dare not go to to p[r]osecute.— and read a libel from the Expositor concerning .— and explaind and showed the falshood of the Expositor, was openly in the streets of the daily
C. spoke of the Warsaw Signal—
<Mayor was sorry to have one dissentig voice—>
did not mean to be undstood to go vs but not be in haste
.— spoke of the mortgages on the property of the propitors [proprietors] of the Expositors.—
C <A.> . conserd there is but one cou[r]se to pursue they were out of the re[a]ch of the law,— one couse to put and end to the thing at once.— beleivd if the did not do it othrs would.— by what he had heard.
. belived it to a Nuisance— and referd to the opin[io]n of on , and spoke in favor of our cha[r]ter,— &c—
Asked , before the Grnd Jury, if he was not the man [p. 28]